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来源:蓝海中心  日期:2021.06.28 人气:490 


《国际调解十大发展趋势》为译文,原文刊发于《新加坡法学院学报》(Singapore Academy of Law Journal)2019年第31卷特刊。作者娜嘉·亚历山大(Nadja Alexander),新加坡管理大学法学院教授、新加坡管理大学国际争端解决中心(SIDRA)主任;译者赵蕾,华南农业大学人文与法学学院副教授;樊文颖,华南农业大学人文与法学学院学生。该文从当事人多样化、调解实践扩大化、调解规则规范化、调解员职业化、律师调解普及化、调解实践多元化、调解与其他纠纷解决机制融合化、在线纠纷解决便捷化、赔礼道歉立法化、第三方资助合法化等十个方面阐述了当今全球调解的最新发展趋势,对我国的调解发展具有借鉴意义。鉴于文章篇幅较长,我们将其分为五个部分按期推送,欢迎关注与分享!

内容提要 在全球调解背景之下,近年来跨境调解实践呈现出十大发展趋势。首先,当事人多样化以及相应发展的调解实践多元化直接推动了全球范围内调解规则规范化。其次,随着调解领域的专业化,调解员和律师的作用也越来越突出,这一变化直接促使国际调解市场中调解员职业化与律师调解普及化。再次,调解类型的扩展与科技的迅猛发展,不仅让调解与其他纠纷解决机制融合发展,也极大地促进了在线纠纷解决机制的快速发展。最后,当代调解从传统调解中汲取和平友好解决纠纷的精神,形成赔礼道歉立法化趋势;从现代调解中吸收资本支持调解的做法,形成第三方资助合法化趋势。

关键词 国际调解 跨境调解 发展趋势

导 论





除了小型企业和电子商务消费者,还有许多类型纠纷的当事人选择调解,成为调解的“新用户”。如分居在世界两地的父母,可能会发现自己陷入非常复杂的家庭冲突如国际儿童绑架(International Child Kidnapping)[1]①中。当今全球流动性使得这类纠纷数量有所增加。面对此类极其复杂的跨境家事纠纷,调解可以帮助父母之间进行对话与谈判。




调解形式既有临时调解(Ad Hoc Mediation),也有机构调解(Institutional Mediation)。双方采用跨境商事调解作为纠纷解决形式,多是基于合同中柔性调解条款(Flexible and mutually derived contractual arrangements)。目前,国际商事调解成功应用于制造业、采矿业、建筑业、知识产权、保险和再保险等多个领域。[9]





在跨境通信受阻、交通不便等客观限制之下,跨境家事纠纷纠纷解决的困难超乎想象。而且,这些家事纠纷大多源于父母感情生活不和,通过诉讼方式往往难以妥善解决。因此,有关子女抚养权和财产分割的跨境家事纠纷,尤其是国际儿童绑架案件(International Child Kidnapping)等越来越多地倾向采取替代性纠纷解决机制解决。[10]




在知识产权纠纷调解领域,世界知识产权组织(WIPO)和欧盟知识产权组织(European Union Intellectual Property organization)是主要的调解机构。[24]此外,互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)[25]采纳的《统一域名争议解决政策》(Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy)[26]的调解服务提供者包括亚洲域名争议解决中心(Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre)[27]、美国国家仲裁论坛(National Arbitration Forum)[28]、世界知识产权组织。新加坡调解中心也提供域名纠纷调解服务,鼓励当事人通过调解解决纠纷;调解不成的再由专门小组(Administrative Panel)根据《新加坡域名争议解决规则》(Singapore Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy)解决。2009年至2017年,WIPO通过调解和仲裁解决了超过580起案件[29],调解成功率高达70%。[30]

美国在1997年至2011年的知识产权纠纷解决中的调解率比其他任何专业领域增长都快。[31]首先,从法律冲突的角度来看,知识产权的地域性与纠纷的国际性形成剧烈冲突,这使得诉讼和仲裁具有高度不可预测性,成本极高。[32]再者,从知识产权纠纷本身的特质来看,与知识产权纠纷的可仲裁性[33]有关的挑战使人们对相对灵活的知识产权跨境纠纷调解越来越感兴趣。在涉及知识产权的国际商事关系中,当事人通常会在新产品或技术研发中形成合作关系,共享研发成果。[34]可是纠纷一旦产生,这种“脆弱的”合作关系很快就会打破,技术信息、技术秘密(Access to Know How),知识管理(Knowledge Management)、技术革新以及跨境商事关系破裂后可能产生的商业秘密泄露问题就会变得非常尖锐。[35]通过调解,当事人可以达成更有创造性、更具商业智慧的解决方案。例如签订不违反反垄断法的商标共用协议(Trademark Co-existence Agreement)。[36]



在此背景下,联合国国际贸易法委员会第三工作组启动审议ISDS机制改革方案,[38]方案内容包括发挥调解在投资者和东道国之间错综复杂的利益关系中的作用。[39]此外,国际律师协会等制定《投资者-东道国调解规则》(IBA Rules for Investor-State Mediation)[40],国际投资争端解决中心(ICSID)制定《调解规则》(ICSID’s Proposed Mediation Rules)[41],2016年国际能源宪章大会起草《投资纠纷调解指南》(The Guide on Investment Mediation)[42],2013年国际调解协会(IMI)成立投资者与国家调解工作组(Investor– State Mediation Taskforce)[43],可以说这些组织机构也积极推进了全球调解的推广。越来越多双边或多边条约也将调解纳入其纠纷解决机制,如《东盟全面投资协定》(ACIA)[44]关于通过诉讼或仲裁解决投资争端的规定[45],鼓励通过和解和调解等有效手段及时解决纠纷[46];《欧盟-加拿大全面经济贸易协定》[47]鼓励在不损害当事人权利或法律地位的前提下[48]随时使用调解[49][50];《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排的投资协定》建立可由投资者发起的解决投资纠纷的调解机制;《印尼-澳大利亚全面经济伙伴关系协定》[[51]]也在纠纷解决机制加入了协商和调解的要求。[52]





[1] Cf Theresa Tan, Hide and Seek: Heart-breaking Tales of Child Abduction by a Parent When a Marriage Sours, The Straits Times, 1 February 2019.

① 译者注:国际儿童绑架是指将儿童带离或试图带离国境,或将儿童滞留境外,意图妨碍他人行使监护权的一种涉嫌犯罪的行为。

[2] The International Chamber of Commerce website, https://iccwbo.org.

[3] The London Court of International Arbitration website, https://www.lcia.org.

[4] The Asian International Arbitration Centre (“AIAC”) website, https://www.aiac. world/.

[5] The Resolution Institute (“RI”) website, https://www.resolution.institute.

[6] The Singapore International Mediation Centre website, www.simc.com.sg.

[7] James Claxton & Luke Nottage, Wa and the Japan International Mediation Centre-Kyoto, Kluwer Mediation Blog, http://mediationblog.kluwerarbitration.com/2018/02/01/wa-and-the-japanese-international-mediation-centre/.

[8] The Bali International Arbitration and Mediation Centre website,


[9] Alastair Henderson & Anita Phillips, Mediation in International Commercial Disputes: Current Trends, in Mediation in Singapore – A Practical Guide, Danny McFadden & George Lim SC(eds.), 2nd Ed, Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 , paras. 19.024–19.044.

[10] TSF v. TSE, [2018] 2 SLR 833.新加坡曾报道过一个案例,孩子父亲(新加坡国籍)在直系亲属帮助下,通过合法的法律程序,趁着孩子母亲和小孩在新加坡旅行时,取得了这名患有自闭症幼童(英国国籍)的监护权。后来这位母亲寻求国际儿童绑架防治非营利机构的帮助,意图非法进入新加坡带回孩子。

[11] The European Code of Conduct for Mediators, Recommendation No R(98)1 on Family Mediation in Europe (Council of Europe 1998), the European Charter for Training in Family Mediation for Separation and Divorce (1992).这些法律文件都规定了,调解是跨境家事纠纷解决的优先选择。

[12] The Reunite (UK) website, www.reunite.org.

[13] The Mission d’aide à la médiation internationale pour les familles website,


[14] The Médiation familiale binationale en Europe website, www.mfbe.eu.

[15] The Lawyers in Europe on Parental Child Abduction website may be accessed at https://www.lepca.eu. 译者注:LEPCA是一个由律师和法律专业人员组成的打击国际儿童诱拐犯罪的专门组织。

[16] The International Social Service website, http://www.geneveint.ch/international-social-service-iss-0.

[17] Matthew Thorpe,Mediation to Resolve Child Abduction Issues for Hague and

non-Hague Convention Countries, Singapore Academic of Law Journal, 2018 Vol.30, pp.584–585, paras.27–28. Matthew Thorpe爵士在报告中指出:“为解决海牙公约缔约国和非海牙公约缔约国的儿童绑架问题进行调解”。See Hague Conference on Private International Law, Feasibility Study on Cross-Border Mediation in Family Matters, General Affairs and Policy, 2007, pp.21–28. See Hague Conference on Private International Law, Guide to Good Practice under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction-Part V-Mediation, May 2011).国际社会服务似乎正在致力于解决海牙国际私法会议“跨境家事调解可行性研究”所强调的缺乏协调机制的问题。

[18] Christoph Paul & Sybille Kiesewetter, Cross-border Family Mediation: International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases, 2nd Ed, Berlin: Wolfgang Metzner Verlag, 2014.

[19] Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children (19 October 1996; entry into force 1 January 2002).

[20] Hague Convention of 13 January 2000 on the International Protection of Adults (1 January 2009; entry into force 1 January 2009).

[21] Art 31 of the Hague Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children (19 October 1996; entry into force 1 January 2002).

[22] Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (25 October 1980; entry into force 1 December 1983).

[23] Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility; Council Directive 2002/8/EC of 27 January 2003 to improve access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing minimum common rules relating to legal aid for such disputes; and Recommendation on Family Mediation and Equality of Sexes (Recommendation 1639 (2003)) adopted 21 June 2004, Recommendation No R(98)1 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on Family Mediation (adopted 21 January 1998).

[24] The WIPO Neutrals webpage, http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/neutrals/index.html, last visited June 2019.世界知识产权组织有专门的仲裁和调解中心,与世界各国知识产权局合作以推广替代性争议解决机制。世界知识产权组织组建的专家库收录了1500多名仲裁员、调解员和纠纷解决专家,该专家库名单不公开,不过都是由国际专家和专业人员组成,他们具有专利、商标、版权、外观设计或其他知识产权领域的专门知识,以及丰富的商事纠纷解决经验。

[25] Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) website, www.icann.org.

[26] Singapore Mediation Centre, Singapore Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service, http://www.mediation.com.sg/business-services/singapore-domain-namedispute-resolution-services/, last visited  June 2019.

[27] Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC) website, www.adndrc.org.

[28] National Arbitration Forum (NAF) website, www.domains.adrforum.com.

[29] World Intellectual Property organization, WIPO Caseload Summary,

http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/center/caseload.html, last visited 4 November 2018.

World Intellectual Property organization, WIPO Mediation Case Examples,

http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/mediation/caseexample.html, last visited 4 November 2018.

[30]World Intellectual Property organization, WIPO Caseload Summary ,

http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/center/caseload.html, last visited 4 November 2018.

[31] Thomas Stipanowich & J Ryan Lamare, Living with “ADR”: Evolving Perceptions and Use of Mediation, Arbitration and Conflict Management in Fortune 1,000 Corporations, Harvard Negotiation Law Review, 2014, Vol.19:1, p.1.

[32] Nick Gardner, Mediation and Its Relevance to Intellectual Property Disputes, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 2014, Vol.9:7, p.566.

[33] Jacques De Werra, Arbitrating International Intellectual Property Disputes: Time to Think beyond the Issue of (Non-)Arbitrability, Int’l Bus. L.J., 2012, p.301; Ignacio de Castro & Panagiotis Chalkias, Mediation and Arbitration of Intellectual Property and Technology Disputes – The Operation of the World Intellectual Property organization Arbitration and Mediation Center,  Singapore Academy of Law Journal ,2012, Vol.24, p.1059.

[34] Ignacio de Castro & Panagiotis Chalkias, Mediation and Arbitration of Intellectual Property and Technology Disputes – The Operation of the World Intellectual Property organization Arbitration and Mediation Center,  Singapore Academy of Law Journal, 2012, Vol.24, p.1059.

[35] Nick Gardner, Mediation and Its Relevance to Intellectual Property Disputes, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2014, Vol.9:7, p. 571.

[36] Mary Vitoria QC, Mediation of Intellectual Property Disputes, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2006, Vol.1:6, p.401.

[37] Rachel L Wellhausen, Recent Trends in Investor–State Dispute Settlement,Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 2016, Vol.7, p.134.

[38] United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (hereinafter “UNCITRAL”), Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the Work of Its Thirty-fourth Session (Vienna, 27 November– 1 December 2017) , A/CN.9/930/Rev.1, 19 December 2017, Part I, p.11.

[39] Gus Van Harten, Investment Treaty Arbitration, Procedural Fairness, and the Rule of Law, in International Investment Law and Comparative Public Law, Stephan W Schill(ed.), Oxford University Press, 2010, Part IV, ch.20, p.627.如在投资者与东道国争端调解中,投资条约所保护的权利与为其他国际法律制度(如人权条约或保护环境和公共健康的条约)所保护的利益存在冲突。

[40] International Bar Association, Mediation Committee, State Mediation Subcommittee, IBA Rules for Investor-State Mediation, 4 October 2012.

[41] The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes website,

https://icsid.worldbank.org/en/amendments, last visited June 2019; Ana Ubilava & Luke Nottage, ICSID’s New Mediation Rules: A Small but Positive Step Forward,

https://icsid.worldbank.org/en/Documents/Ubilava_Notage_10.17. 2018.pdf , last visited June 2019.

[42] Energy Charter Secretariat, Decision of the Energy Charter Conference ,CCDEC 2016, 12 INV,19 July 2016.

[43] International Mediation Institute, Investor-State Mediation Taskforce, Response to the European Commission Public Consultation on a Multilateral Reform of Investment Dispute Resolution, 15 March 2017.

[44] 26 February 2009.

[45] ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement, 26 February 2009, Section B.

[46] ASEAN, ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement: A Guidebook for Business and Investors, March 2013, p.23.

[47] 30 October 2016.

[48] EU–Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, 30 October 2016.

[49] Id, at Art 8.20.

[50] Id, at Art 8.20(1).

[51] Kevin Elbert, The Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement: The Good, the Not-So-Good and the In-Between, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 27 April 2019.

[52] Indonesia–Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, 4 March 2019, ch.20 (Consultations and Dispute Settlement).

[53] Chang-fa Lo et al, Concept Paper on the Creation of a Permanent ‘Asia-Pacific Regional Mediation organisation’ for State-to-State (Economy-to-Economy) Disputes,Contemp Asia Arb J, 2017 vol.10:2, p.321.

[54] Ben Doherty, Australia and Timor-Leste to Negotiate Permanent Maritime Boundary, The Guardian, 9 January 2017.

[55] Paul Karp, Australia and Timor-Leste Strike Deal on Maritime Boundary Dispute, The Guardian, 3 September 2017.






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