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来源: 芮安牟 日期:2018.11.22 人气:44 






The CICC is an exciting step for China, especially in the context of the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI). We are still in the early stages of developing and promoting the CICC to become a preferred forum for the resolution of cross-border commercial disputes arising out of the BRI. The CICC is only newly established and much work remains to be done in terms of refining its rules and procedures with that objective (among others) in mind.








Both are necessary.  They complement each other.

The problem today with international arbitration is that, due to due-process paranoia among arbitrators, it has become too technical and too expensive.  But, at present, international arbitration is regarded as having no viable competitor as a mode of dispute resolution. Because of the 1958 New York Convention, international arbitration is perceived to be the best way to enforce a party’s commercial rights across borders. Litigation until recently has had no equivalent to the New York Convention that allows for the ready enforcement of judgments worldwide.

Nevertheless, litigation is gradually developing as an alternative to arbitration. In particular, there is now the 2005 Hague Choice of Court Agreement Convention (which China signed on September 17, 2017, but to which China has yet to accede). There are now 32 jurisdictions (31 states and one Regional Economic Integration organization (REIO) (namely, the European Union)) that have acceded to the 2005 Hague Convention. More states are likely to sign up in the coming years. Therefore, in the future, through the 2005 Hague Convention and the new convention for the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters that is currently being drafted by the Hague Conference, judgments will be as readily enforceable as arbitral awards internationally.

It is important to develop international litigation to be a counterpoise to international arbitration as a mode of dispute resolution. The competition between the two modes of dispute resolution will reduce the cost of international commercial dispute resolution across the board. If arbitration is too expensive, parties will insert a choice of court agreement into their commercial contract instead of an arbitration agreement. If litigation becomes too expensive, parties will do the reverse.

Mediation will witness an exciting development as an alternative mode of dispute resolution next year. In August 2019 the Singapore Convention will be open for signature. The Singapore Convention will provide for the recognition and enforcement of mediated settlement agreements across borders. That means, there will be at least three different ways to enforce one’s commercial rights internationally: by arbitration pursuant to the New York Convention; by litigation pursuant to the Hague Choice of Court Agreement Convention or the forthcoming Hague Convention: and by mediation through the Singapore Convention.  

As I have mentioned, giving businesses a choice in terms of options for resolving their commercial disputes, will help lower the cost of cross-border dispute resolution generally, including within the BRI.






Today's law students will be the lawyers and (eventually) judges and law professors of the future. Their work will inevitably affect the lives of ordinary people.

Gaining experience in the law is not something that can happen overnight. It takes years of study and work. It requires much thought and reflection. It is not just a matter of focusing on the letter of the law. It also involves getting to know about the world around one and the day-to-day commercial and financial difficulties that people everywhere encounter in the course of living their daily lives and when engaging in trade with each other.

One cannot pick up such knowledge from law books alone. Of course, one must read lawbooks. But that will not be enough. One needs to venture out, meet ordinary people, and experience the ups and downs of life. Given there is much to learn and much to do, it is not too early for students, from the moment they start their law studies at 17 or 18 years of age, to engage in an active and informed dialogue among themselves, with their professors, and with the members of public, not just about what the law is, but also what the law can be in the sense of improving citizens’ lives.

The university offers a nurturing environment where young students can mature into the discerning lawyers that society needs.







In terms of foreign law, my experience has been in the common law jurisdictions of Hong Kong and Singapore.

In Hong Kong, the courts typically employ the traditional common law method of proving foreign law through expert evidence. The method is highly effective.  But the problem is that the method can be expensive.

Civil law jurisdictions employ a variety of methods to ascertain foreign law. Civil law judges in certain jurisdictions, for instance, may simply consult the internet to learn about foreign law, subject always to hearing argument from the parties on whether (say) a particular internet source of foreign law is reliable. This method has the advantage of being inexpensive. It may be practical, where only a relatively small amount is at stake in a dispute, to use this method rather than the more expensive common law method of having experts prepare reports on foreign law and subjecting those experts to cross-examination.  

Since becoming a judge of the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC) (which is both a common law and a civil law court), I have become more aware of the different ways of proving foreign law. I think that is what international commercial courts like the CICC have to explore. We need to be open to the possibility of using different methods depending on the circumstances of particular cases.

I believe that an organization such as BCI can assist in leading research into the different approaches to proving foreign law, their strengths and weaknesses. By looking into how foreign law is proved in different jurisdictions, BCI can help to open judges’ minds to the variety of methods available for proving foreign law. Judges of necessity are conservative. They stick to traditional ways, because they have been tried and tested. They have to be convinced of the efficacy of alternatives. BCI’s research can help to show whether methods apart from (say) the traditional common law approach can also be effective in establishing the content of foreign law to a high degree of accuracy at a minimal cost.




The Qianhai Legal Intelligence Forum helps to stimulate discussion. It is a venue for raising new ideas, looking to the future to see what problems are likely to arise and what solutions may be effective to deal with those problems.

For the future, BCI might consider working in cooperation with similar institutions not just in China, but also in other jurisdictions, especially in Asia. For instance, there may be synergies to be gained from BCI working with the National Judges College in Singapore, the Judicial Studies Program of the University of Hong Kong, and the Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI) also in Singapore. Cooperation would help to identify the degree to which the commercial laws of BRI jurisdictions are converging.






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