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BCI&BIMC Joins Hands with Pingshan Court to Build the Alternative Dispute Settlement Mechanism

Come from:BCI&BIMC    Date:2020.05.26 Hits:69 

To further promote the reform of diversified disputesettlement mechanism and give full play to the unique advantages ofprofessional mediation institutions, on May 22, Shenzhen Pingshan DistrictPeople’s Court (“Pingshan Court”) and Benchmark Chambers International &Benchmark International Mediation Center (“BCI&BIMC”) signed the Memorandumof Understanding on Cooperation in the Alternative Dispute Settlement Mechanism(“MOU”).

Mr. DAI Shaoxiong, Vice President of Pingshan Court and Ms. LI Zhuoying,BCI & BIMC’s President of Council, signed the MOU respectively.

In the MOU, both parties jointly decided the cooperative operation mode,specified the daily work form, and established financial support scheme formediation, and further optimize the solid support to business environment bybuilding a professional and unique mediation cooperation and exchange platform,in order to achieve the stable, fair, transparent, and predictable businessenvironment based on rule of law.

At the signing ceremony, Mr. DAI Shaoxiong, Vice Presidentof Pingshan Court, introduced that Pingshan Court has actively promoted theestablishment of the alternative dispute settlement mechanism and theconstruction of the modern litigation service system since the establishment.Ms. LI Zhuoying, BCI & BIMC’s President of Council, introduced the practiceand exploration of the new model: “Foreign Law Ascertainment + InternationalCommercial Mediation”, which is a pioneering exploration that BCI & BIMChas carried out nationwide, as well as the features of commercial mediation interms of specialization and technicalization.

Mr. DAI Shaoxiong also led representativesfrom BCI & BIMC to visit the litigation service center, the standardizd courtand other office areas.

Read the original: 蓝海中心牵手坪山法院,共建矛盾纠纷多元化解机制

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